

Aufbauende Meldungen aus dem Reich Gottes

Auf dieser Seite gibt es Nachrichten aus dem Reich Gottes zu den Themen Gebet, Gemeindeentwicklung und Erweckung – recherchiert aus über 100 zuverlässigen Quellen in sechs Kontinenten. Wirklich sehr ermutigend und aufbauend!


Dazu gibt es auch eine CD!

Hier ist die englische Beschreibung:

The Church is Europe is going through a paradigm shift from 'church as a central institution' to 'church as a force on the verges of society'.
From this perspective God is at work in Europe in most unlikely ways, in places where we might not even expect to find new life.
A television crew of the Caleb Project visited dozens of places across the continent and interviewed the pioneers of exciting 'fresh expressions' of church and ministry.
From 24-7prayer's 'boiler rooms' (places of non-stop mission-minded prayer) in England, Germany and Spain, to Nigerian missionaires who carry a supernatural grace to bring God's restoration to Poland and Ukraine.
From Iranian refugees in the Netherlands who have to rent a swimming pool because so many people want to be baptized, to Brazilian missionaries and migrant churches in Belgium.
These inspiring and heartwarming stories have been compiled on the DVD 'Why Europe, Why Now?'.

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