RAM test
MemTest is a RAM tester that runs under Windows. It
verifies that your computer can reliably store and retrieve data from memory. A correctly functioning
computer should be able to do this with 100% accuracy day in and day
out. A computer that fails these tests, perhaps because of old hardware, damaged
hardware, or poorly configured hardware, will be less stable and crash more
often. Even worse, it will become even less stable over time as corrupted data
is written to your hard disk.
By running MemTest you can ensure that your computer's RAM correctly functions. It is wise to test this when you buy a new
computer, install new RAM, or change the configuration of your machine (for
instance, to overclock it).Link
MemTest tells me "Memory error detected...",
what does this mean? |
This is not normal. Your RAM is bad, or your system is
incorrectly configured. Even just 1 error means that you have a
problem. If you have overclocked your machine, or selected aggressive RAM timings
in your BIOS you should try more conservative settings before judging the
RAM fully bad. If you can't get MemTest to run without errors even with conservative
BIOS settings, however, your RAM is bad. Replace it, or you
will experience stability and corruption problems. Correctly functioning
RAM has no errors, even if you run MemTest for days.
Read the manual for more details
on how to determine the exact cause of the problem.