

Glenn Gould spielt J. S. Bachs Goldberg Variationen

I still think Goldberg variations and art of fugue are two of the most difficult piano pieces ever to be played. It's by far more difficult than most of the Chopin/Lizt pieces where endless practicse could make it word one day. In these pieces it's about the treatment of different melody lines, most pianist screw up more or less when the notes get very dense and you can't hear the interaction between the melodies. It comes down to technique. Did you ever realise that in Bach, you can easily distinguish Gould's playing from others? Basically because no other human can ever produce the sound he does in these two pieces, whereas if you hear Chopin/Lizt/Beethoven it's not easy to disginguish each person's playing at times. This simply shows how difficult these pieces are, if you were to produce the sound of Gould, for example.


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