Der Wunderheiler
Wenn Charlie Goldsmith seine Energie und Geisteskraft auf eine
Krankheit lenkt, kann er viel verändern. Seit er seine Gabe im Alter von
18 erkannte, hat der Australier zahlreichen Menschen mit Infektionen
und Viruserkrankungen geholfen und konnte Schmerzen lindern, gegen die
keinerlei Medikamente ankamen. Mediziner erkennen die Fähigkeiten des
37-Jährigen aber häufig nicht an, obwohl eine Fallstudie mit
verblüffenden Ergebnissen durchgeführt wurde. Nun arbeitet Charlie mit
Ärzten zusammen, um Vorurteile und Betrugsvorwürfe abzubauen. Er will
auf Heilen aufmerksam machen und beweisen, dass diese Gabe tatsächlich
existiert und Teil der Schulmedizin werden sollte. Die Doku-Serie
beleuchtet Leben und Arbeit des Wunderheilers und zeigt Menschen aus
allen Gesellschaftsschichten - vom Fabrikarbeiter bis zum Filmstar - die
seine Fähigkeiten in Anspruch nehmen.
"I hope that people seeing this will start to see if they've got an ability like mine. I don't know what sort of numbers of people will have it, but what I want is for people to start discovering if they haven't already. I certainly am under no illusion that I can do it all on my own. You know, I do hope for the most part that the people who are skeptical do start to go let's be patient and look, because if I'm right and there are lots of people out there like me, then even the skeptics will benefit. Look to be honest I don't think I'm going to be given that freedom, I'm sure it'll be with lots of people trying to tell me I'm doing the wrong thing that its all fake and all this sort of stuff, but I'm still going to achieve what I want to achieve even with that pressure. All that's going to happen is that those people are going to turn out to be wrong."
Charlie Goldsmith
Do you believe some people can heal with their bare hands? There have been reports of energy healers throughout history (like Jesus!) and yet, in the modern world, we are taught that healing of this nature is a hoax or impossible. On this episode, we converse on this topic with world famous energy healer Charlie Goldsmith. Charlie's ability to heal with his hands is undeniable and has been documented in multiple scientific studies and on his T.V. show on TLC. Hear everything Charlie has to say about energy healing as Amber and Jenna grill him on this fascinating subject.
"I hope that people seeing this will start to see if they've got an ability like mine. I don't know what sort of numbers of people will have it, but what I want is for people to start discovering if they haven't already. I certainly am under no illusion that I can do it all on my own. You know, I do hope for the most part that the people who are skeptical do start to go let's be patient and look, because if I'm right and there are lots of people out there like me, then even the skeptics will benefit. Look to be honest I don't think I'm going to be given that freedom, I'm sure it'll be with lots of people trying to tell me I'm doing the wrong thing that its all fake and all this sort of stuff, but I'm still going to achieve what I want to achieve even with that pressure. All that's going to happen is that those people are going to turn out to be wrong."
Charlie Goldsmith
Do you believe some people can heal with their bare hands? There have been reports of energy healers throughout history (like Jesus!) and yet, in the modern world, we are taught that healing of this nature is a hoax or impossible. On this episode, we converse on this topic with world famous energy healer Charlie Goldsmith. Charlie's ability to heal with his hands is undeniable and has been documented in multiple scientific studies and on his T.V. show on TLC. Hear everything Charlie has to say about energy healing as Amber and Jenna grill him on this fascinating subject.